Anna and Elsa Disney Frozen Pancake | Princess Pancakes #PixieVacations


Disney Inspired Pancakes brings smiles on National Pancake Day

Pancakes fit for a princess

We are celebrating National Pancake Day with pancake artist Nathan Shields.  We asked Nathan to create Disney inspired pancakes that parents can share with their kids for National Pancake Day.  Our two daughters love the Disney princesses and of course going to Walt Disney World on vacation, so Nathan’s Disney princess inspired designs lit up their eyes and was a natural fit to capture that magic in a pancake.

The Anna & Elsa Frozen Pancakes are just WOW!


 Try and guess which princess pancake is being created in the video. 

Nathan takes pancakes to the next level and his artistic ability is inspiring and just plain cool to watch.  If you are planning a trip to Walt Disney World, why not try making one of these Disney Princess Pancakes to surprise your kids with the news.

After watching these Disney inspired princess pancake creations with your friends, family, and kids, give it a try on your own.  We would love to see what pancakes you create.  Please share your pancake creations on our Pixie Vacations Facebook page.  Did you have a favorite Disney Princess Pancake in the video?  Let us know which one.


national-pancake-day-pixie-vacations Disney Pancakes #PixieVacations



pancake day pixie vacations